Slowing the Pace Down
Over the years since becoming a mother, I've gradually learned how to take a relaxing vacation. All the years before that, I traveled with purpose and goals. Vacations weren't for relaxation but to see things, experience things, and get a new perspective. But I've come around to the idea of vacationing just to relax, spend time with one another, see things here and there, but really to relax. While away, we drank lots of coffee and ate popsicles. I caught a few cat naps, read books, and C and I started watching the first season of The Americans.
While stopping at a playground, another mother observed that our boys play so well with one another and that she couldn't wait until her own would do that some day. It's so lovely to receive a compliment from another mother.
We spent the second day of our vacation going back and forth between our Village and the next, going between the ocean and the Sound. Until darkness.
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