Spontaneity; I Still Got It

All photos were taken with my iPhone.

Spontaneity is one of those things that you supposedly lose when becoming a parent.  In many ways, it's true.  Tickets to Belize for a long weekend just because isn't going to happen.  But in other ways, you gain courage to be more spontaneous after having kids.  We've made vacation plans at the drop of a hat at times, trips we would have mulled over for much longer before we had kids.  It's easy to do if you're presented with days off from school or unexpected nanny issues.  It happens in small ways too - leaving work early to go on an unplanned afternoon adventure after school.  My boys inspire me to do this.

The day was too nice to spend indoors on Friday, so after school we looked for a place to go.  I wasn't in the mood for any place we'd already been and I wasn't willing to go far in the suburbs.  The perfect solution presented itself - the Lyndon B. Johnson Memorial Grove.  This is a gem of a park (actually part of a larger park) with nice and easy trails for young kids.  There is a bridge that leads to a marina.  From the memorial (a granite monolith), there is a view of the Potomac and D.C.  In big ways and little ways, I still got it.


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