In Need of Calm

These fall days are no joke.  I wait all year for these precious, golden, sunshiney days.  Saturday was full of errands, but the moment we were done we headed out to nature right near our house.  Down a trail to a secret little beach.  We all soaked up our share of vitamin D and listened to the water rush by.

Without realizing it, I think the state of our country, and the realization of what many of my fellow Americans really think and feel, has worn me down.  I need the election to come and go.  Whatever side you're on (and there are two sides - right and wrong), you must feel as weary as I do by the unbelievable ignorance and violence coming out of that person's mouth on an hourly basis.  He has uncorked the vile racism and sexism that apparently is prevalent in the red states. For those of you who continue to support him (private citizens and public officials alike - you know who you are), look in the mirror and challenge yourself.  You're beneath him if you're a woman, a minority, a Muslim, working class, a veteran, gay, overweight, or handicapped.  You are a target for him, and if you still think you aren't, then you keep looking in the mirror and acknowledge that you're someone that supports this kind of hatred.  If I'm wrong about you, then show up on election day and prove it. All of us deserve better than this.


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