Fall List 2016

Ready or not, fall is here!  It's that awkward time of year when I have to get all the clothes out - sometimes it's long sleeves and even a sweater, but then it could be warm enough for t-shirts and shorts.  We are loving the last bit of summer but I can't wait to get our wardrobes organized.  For a little inspiration, here is a peak at our Fall List for 2016.

Go to pumpkin patch
Pick apples and make applesauce
Go to a football game
Make costumes
Learn to make a new soup or stew
Have a bonfire
Trick or treat
Ghost a friend
Go for a scenic drive
Decorate the house
Have outdoor movie night
Go on vacation(!)
Ride the spooky train
Watch a Halloween movie
Set fall reading list
Date night
Make hot pot at home
Visit a new museum
Take a fall hike


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