BB + DD's Room

We committed some of our Winter break to sprucing up the house, the boys' room actually.  Their bedroom, for the most part, was done.  But there were a few things that needed hanging and some new furniture that required placement.  First, a mini-purge of books, toys, and clothing.  Then we hung a cloud shelf I bought for them earlier this year.  My original plan was to paint clouds around the shelf, but then I found these cloud decals from Ferm Living.  They are great looking and easy to apply.  BB and DD found a couple of new friends at the National Gallery of Art gift shop that are now living on the cloud.

I also opened up fresh boxes of art supplies - washable markers, Lyra colored pencils, and a set of twig colored pencils from Santa for fun.  We added a couple of chairs and created a new place for BB and DD to get creative in their room.  We also hung a forward-facing bookshelf on the wall so the books their currently reading don't end up on the floor.  This will be a rotating theme each month.  I just put away all of our Christmas books, and am going to put out some good Winter reads in the next few days.

More changes coming soon...


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