What We Do on Snow Days

School was closed because of the overnight freezing rain we got.  Facing an entire day with the littles when I have a very busy work day at home is tough.  So we started off the day with some fun board games that are math-oriented.  One is a game we got from Santa this past Christmas called Secret Code.  It's a HABA game, which for us has never disappointed.  It requires double-digit addition and subtraction of multiple numbers so BB and DD help each other out.

And because I love to be prepared, I had stashed away an eeBoo game called Make a Pie!, another math game that focuses on the concept of fractions.  It looks a lot like eeBoo's The Picnic Game that we also love to play but is several steps up in difficulty.

There is lunch and a Netflix movie in our house on a snow day.  That day the boys watched some LEGO movie that caused lots of giggles and howling.  Afterward, I set them up for some art time at BB's request.  I broke out new watercolor sets and brushes.  DD couldn't resist and came over to join almost immediately.  They also tried watercolor crayons for the first time, a really fun addition to watercolor paints.  If you haven't tried them yet, I highly recommend these Staedtler Karat Aquarelles.

As the day went on, BB and DD opened up a pie shop with a sign that said "Pie ShOPen" - get it?  That was BB's really cool logo.  DD donned an apron and was the pie baker, while BB declared himself the boss.  I was the customer who came in repeatedly to order and eat pies.  Notice the blueberry pies were priced to move.
A little homework and Wii U play here and there got us through the rest of the day.  I never made it to the bank, the flowershop, or the drugstore, but I did several loads of laundry and managed to get dinner going too while handling office issues.  And at the end of the day, C took the boys swimming.  Not a bad day at all.


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