A Snowy Holiday Weekend

Without meaning to, the long weekend became a super long weekend with the snowstorms we got here in DC.  Rolled into that was Valentine's Day and Presidents Day.  Most of the morning was work calls for both C and me on Friday.  In between, I blew up a bunch of heart balloons to surprise the boys and I set out their special chairbackers and filled them with a card, candy, and special little presents.

Although I don't believe in gender-specific toys, I do find it hard sometimes to get Valentine-themed gifts for the boys.  Everything is pink and intentionally girly.  This year I made a special effort to look for things early and I scored.  Besides the usual candies in heart-shaped boxes that the boys like, I found a red manual-crank flashlight, a red basket full of awesome play food, and the perfect Valentine book  - Zombie in Love.  Later, the boys took the heart balloons to the playroom and paddled them about with these.


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