
The Post had an unofficial naming of the storm contest and the most popular name seems to be Snochi.  So Snochi dumped about a foot of snow in our little corner here and shut down schools, offices, and businesses.  No swimming at the pool or watching a movie at the theater today.  We did play video games, have a big breakfast, work, do 4 loads of laundry, cook, work on our Valentines for classmates, and generally have a good old time with one another.
This was the winter to get your money's worth on all that cold weather gear you've stockpiled the last few years.  We put our gloves and hats to good use.  Last week I ordered the boys another pair of snow boots each and thank god I did! Snowpants were a necessity and I was able to find two pairs that I had purchased last year but never had a chance to wear.  We tried to buy another pair of good snow gloves/mittens for DD but no such luck.  C called all the stores.  Nothing.  I had untouched sleds from a year or two ago that came in handy this winter.

After lunch and homework, we bundled back up in our snow clothes, warm from the dryer, and headed out for a walk and some sledding.  C built a sledding ramp in our front yard, Olympics-style.  That's when I heard that school was closed Friday too.  Valentine's Day parties are postponed until next week.  With Presidents' Day this Monday, the kids are getting a 5 day weekend.

The snow has started up again tonight.  We're staying put and getting ready for another snow day tomorrow.


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