Restore, Restock, and Regroup. Recharge.

I'm, sort of, planning a weekend trip.  Our daily schedules have me relying heavily on the weekends to restore, restock, and regroup.  It's asking a lot out of a weekend - two little days.  Lately, I've been falling back to old routines where the short weekends just aren't enough to let me catch my breath.  I can't figure out a way to slow things down, but I do think that a change of scenery could do us all good.  A weekend trip definitely messes with our routine, but part of me just doesn't care about the consequences.

So what did we do this weekend?  We threw a little party Saturday afternoon.  We probably have a few more parties to host in the coming months but somewhere in there we'll cancel all of our regularly scheduled programming and escape for the weekend.


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