{Friday} Epiphany

Today is Epiphany, the twelfth day of Christmas.  After today, Christmas is over and that means I can take down our tree.  Even though I am sad the festivities are over, I now am actually looking forward to January and winter fun.

The world has returned to it's normal schedules and rhythms. Swimming starts again this weekend and our little family will be back to our usual routine of walks, activities, errands, and friends. After a very cold few days, the mild weather has returned to us. The glorious forecast means we'll be outdoors again.

I'm working from home today and have a date with DD to read to his class.  I worked into the wee hours last night in order to have the time to make that happen, and in the course of doing so had a sudden clarity, a mini-epiphany.  A few things happened this week, which made me realize that some adjustments will need to be made again to keep things flowing, stable, more-balanced.   I'll let you know when it's done.


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