In Another Place - The Asian Collection

I tried to schedule in some free range time for the boys during our week off.  Thursday we were back at the National Arboretum, this time to the Asian Collection.  The paths here are hilly and meandering, which was perfect for BB (aka the Penguin) and DD (aka Mr. Freeze).  We were the only visitors that morning and it was funny to see our loud and proud duo against the tranquil backdrop of these Asian plants and trees.

Even though it's winter, the temperature has been incredibly mild and there are still things in bloom.  At one point we found a brilliant colored fruit that had fallen to the ground.  We were still trying to figure out what it was when DD beat us to it.  He pointed to the persimmon tree from which it fell.  Speaking of trees, despite my love for Christmas, there is nothing more beautiful than a tree adorned with its own natural decorations be it vermilion persimmon fruit or miniature pinecones. 

Did you know the National Arboretum is raising money to build a classical Chinese Garden?  It would be on par with the Chinese Garden in Portland.  If you're interested, consider contributing to the fund right here.


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