Museum Hopping

To address the anxiety I've been having lately, I picked up BB at the same time I picked up DD so we could all spend the rest of the day together.  The afternoon weather was unpredictable.  We hedged and went to the museums in the afternoon.  When it's nice you can play on the Mall and then quickly duck into any of the museums when the rains come.  We started at the National Gallery (West Building).  The boys gravitated towards the statues, especially those holding swords and those of children. When we got our fill of high brow classical art, DD led us to the Air & Space Museum, one of his favorites.  C joined us after work for dinner and then we all headed home.

On humid summer days, there is nothing like strolling in a cool, climate-controlled building with high ceilings and marble walls and floors.  And there is all the priceless art to ogle.  I don't know if I'm going to pick up BB early every Friday from camp but it felt good to spend that special time with my boys.


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