Art + Art Supplies

Whenever I sense there is an opportunity to slow down, I bring out the art supplies.  Since the end of summer I've been stocking up on supplies because nothing is more frustrating than having a child that wants to create but not having any supplies to let him use.  I refreshed our stock of the usual suspects: washable paints, water colors, brushes, markers, crayons, glue and paper.  And I also added a few new items: glitter glue pens, fabric paint pens and fabric paint, some large blank canvases, stickers, and alphabet stamps. 

The night before last, DD went to town on the glitter glue pens.  I love all his curly qs.  Then last night after dinner, I carved some potato stamps for the kids and let him stamp stamp stamp to their hearts' content.  A small tip: find melamine divided plates like the one above.  The little sections are great for different colors.


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