We Were Away, and Now We're Back

It's always a bit jarring to travel to a locale where the weather is very different from home.  For more than half a year, C and I have been planning a surprise trip to Disney World for the boys.  Coming back late last night we all found it hard to deal with the chill in the air.  In the morning we woke to a bright orange leaves greeting us, which were still green with tinges of yellow when we left. Daylight Savings happened while we were away.  And of course the election.  

I wrote on Instagram that C and I fully immersed ourselves with  BB and DD in the most magical place of all - the kingdom of childhood - for the last week.  This magical bubble of fun and sunshine helped to shield us from the harsh realities of this election cycle.  But now we are back. Professionally, I have until the end of the year to transition under this new administration.  Politically, personally, morally?  There is so much to think about, educate the kids about, and fight for.  The next four years are a wake up call to all of us and we cannot sit idle. 

It will take me the weekend to wort through photos so I'll post next week about our vacation.  It truly was a fabulous time; just what our little family needed.  Until then we're going to have ourselves a restorative fall weekend.


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