Summer Ends + the First Week of School

The first week of school is over. It's always an anxious time discovering new teachers and new classmates. Seems like BB and DD each are becoming very settled in their respective classes and are pleased with their teachers.  I have a good feeling about this school year already!

This is it, the end of summer. In certain ways, I'm ready for fall. Unlike most years we have a fall vacation scheduled and we've booked our spring break trip too.  Pretty soon fall activities will kick in and our weekdays will be busy again, but right now I'm enjoying the lull of coming home to meet the boys after school, making dinner, and relaxing. 

I'm working from home today trying to get things done before the long weekend. Originally we were planning a trip to NY but we are still sick with the cold that never ends. Instead we will use the long weekend to catch up on things, rest, and play locally. 


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