American Visionary Art Museum and Some Visionary Thoughts of My Own

Will the heat ever end?  Summer is over but we're still experiencing some sweltering days.  Saturday was too hot to enjoy the outdoors much so we decided to make a drive to Baltimore to visit a new to us museum - the American Visionary Arts Museum.  I had read much about it and because we're always looking for new museums to visit, we made our way.

The museum is spread out among three buildings.  There is a small sculpture garden outside as well. I found the buildings to be more interesting than a lot of the artwork.  With the exception of a handful of exhibits, the other stuff was hard to appreciate.  Regardless, we had a good time because we love exploring new spaces but a return trip isn't in our near future.  Baltimore, on the other hand, is definitely worth further exploration!

I was reading back on my posts about our Toronto vacation and it sounded kind of awful with all of us sick throughout and DD's accident.  But in actuality we had a great time and had our health not been an issue, would have loved to stay for a few more days.  In fact, I think it was the vestiges of our Toronto trip that had us longing for exploring a new city so we naturally picked close-by Baltimore.

Speaking of travel, I finally took the time to do some basic planning of our upcoming trip this fall. We don't usually take a vacation this time of year but the school calendar this year presented an opportunity and we took it.  I'll explain more about it as the time draws closer.  It's definitely unlike any vacation we've ever taken.  We also just made our reservations for next year's spring break.  We are doing another big trip and I'm so excited.  I supposed I've been taking my own advice and investing in experiences and time together.  BB turning 10 a few months ago put things into sharp focus for me - 8 more summers before he moves away for college.  Eight more spring breaks (if we're lucky) that he'll want to travel with us.  Just 8 more so we have to make them count.


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