Here and Away

A little more than a week back from vacation but we're on a brand new schedule.  I've been starting my day super early so that I can pick the boys up from summer camp daily.  We meander our way home through the neighborhoods of NW DC, and then they each have a popsicle (if they haven't already had one from the ice cream man who parks himself outside of camp), the minute we walk through the door.  Minecraft on Xbox (yes, Xbox), then sometimes pool time while I make dinner. When it's finally getting dark, we like to look at all the fireflies in our yard.  Sometimes when I lie in bed, they fly three stories up and blink outside our large window repeatedly.  These are how our summer days are looking.

We arrived in Quebec City right at the golden hour.  Look at the warm golden glow, especially off the Chateau Frontenac.  It was magical to be driving our car up to the Chateau over the narrow cobblestone streets.  We hopped out to pick up some snacks and dinner before settling into our rented house for the night.  I enjoyed Montreal but I really loved Quebec City.


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