Outdoor Ed + Bomb Cyclone + Birthday

I feel as though I'm returning after a year in hiatus.  The last five days have been crazy!  BB left for Outdoor Ed on Wednesday morning.  For those of you who aren't familiar, Outdoor Ed is a fun 3-day camping trip that 6th graders in our county go on with teachers, counselors and parent chaperones.  One of those parent chaperones?  C!  They left for the mountains and on Friday, returned in the midst of a historic wind storm (Bomb Cyclone) that hit D.C. Thursday night.  Meanwhile, DD and I were hunkered down.  I checked on flashlights and candles, charged my phone, and did all the laundry we had in anticipation of losing power.

Just as BB and C returned Friday afternoon, the power went out on our street due to what we later figured out was a huge tree falling on the power lines in our neighborhood.  I think BB and C were really looking forward to sleeping in their own beds that night, but it wasn't to be.  We spent the next 4 days/nights at my parents' house.  We're grateful though; most of our neighbors without generators had to brave extremely frigid homes, call around for hotel rooms, or rely on good friends.

All of this coincided with my birthday.  Our original plans were scrapped but I'm ok with it. With full power on this Tuesday morning, I'm just happy to be home restocking the fridge and freezer and catching up on laundry in our cozy, warm home.


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