A Recipe for Magic

Thought I was done with the Outer Banks photos?  Nope.  On our last full day there, we drove back down to Hatteras.  Along the way we stopped at a cute sandwich shop to pick up picnic provisions.  We didn't have a specific plan in mind and was just making it up along the way.  We also stopped to buy the boys each a toy, a vacation tradition.  C stumbled upon a lovely shaded picnic area right on the beach where we had our lunch, and then took off for another afternoon of surf and sand.  Back in Corolla, we shopped for souvenirs and tshirts and the boys got to pick out a small bag of candy.  The candy dance ensued!

I've learned (or am still learning) that things sometimes don't require planning to the nth degree.  A general plan based on instinct with a little serendipity sprinkled is often a recipe for magic.


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