Beach, Sand, Books + Kites

So you've figured out that we were away. We made the decision a few months ago to pull the boys put of school for a week and head back to OBX. I had mixed feelings about our decision until we were reminded how much fun the boys have at the beach and how much fun we have spending uninterrupted time with them.

Our first full day at the beach started super early.  We got out there before anyone else and we played until the clouds broke and the sun came out.  It was also a day to stock the house with groceries for days of family meals.  And we couldn't resist a trip to our favorite bookstore where the boys loaded up on new books.  In the evening we went back to fly new kites.

I always love the first few days of vacation when everything is still unfolding and you've got days and days ahead to explore and relax.


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