Pics from Blizzard 2010

Now that you've seen what was going on outdoors, here is a glimpse into what we were doing in the house.

We also hung the cable system that I've wanted for so long in the play area and displayed all of the pieces the boys have been working on at school and at home.  It's made life much easier so I commend it to anyone with small children who are prolific creators of art.

Tomorrow is another snow day.  I'm hoping that shops will be open tomorrow so we can take the boys for a stroll with a destination.  Sledding is so fun but it's dangerous when people are driving the roads.  Otherwise, I've got some Valentine's Day projects and art projects planned for them to work on in between sword fighting.  The PB Kids Chairbackers have finally made their appearance and will be in use starting tomorrow!  I promise a photo soon.


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