Winter Hair

My old hairstylist always told me - long hair in the summer, short hair in the winter.  In the winter, you want to be able to wear turtlenecks and scarves so you should go shorter.  In the summer you can wear ponytails and pin your hair up if it's too hot.  So I took the plunge last week and had 11 inches of my hair chopped off.  I am now sporting a short bob with bangs!  I tried to find a picture that looked similar and the one above of Kristin from The Hills looks most similar.  It's not a sleek precise bob, but a slightly layered, messy one with side swept bangs.  The bangs are because I have so many baby hairs growing out from my pregnancy with DD.  It's freeing not to have to shampoo and condition all of that hair, just to put it up before DD grabs it between his chubby fingers and pulls.

Speaking of DD, he woke up crying from his nap and pointing inside his mouth.  He bit down really hard and pointed again and bawled.  He was trying to tell us that he was in pain and after some investigation, I realized the poor babe is teething.  His back molars are coming in and his gums are swollen.  For the first time, I dosed him with some Children's Motrin.  We're lucky we had it because we don't normally give the children any pain relievers.  It seemed to relieve his pain.  Although I hate to see him in pain,  I will say that the 10 minutes of his gesticulating and crying was precious to witness.  I love that baby so!


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