Ready, Set, Beach

On the heels of yesterday's Looking Forward post, I decided to jump on the planning and make things happen.  I found a great oceanfront rental at the same beach we stayed last year.  How awesome is this kitchen?  We're all set for a week in August, AMEX charged.  Now we just have to wait until then.

The gymnastics session is coming to a close with next week being our medal's ceremony.  BB had a blast during today's class - jumping on the trampoline, working the rings, climbing through the house, riding the Rody pony.  Then a birthday party (during naptime) that included Turley the Magician.  DD is now at another party with C while I wait at home for BB to wake up from a mini nap. 

Date night is canceled tonight.  Our babysitter is under the weather.  Disappointing but we always have things to do at home.  I'm trying to think of something yummy to make for dinner that's quick and easy - maybe steaks?  A trip to WF is in order when BB wakes up.


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