Bird Art

I worked from home on Wednesday and in preparation for the boys coming home from school, I picked out an arts and crafts kit from the Todd Oldham's Kid Made Modern line (I wrote about it in this post).  My weekly trips to Target means I've amassed quite a stockpile of supplies and craft kits, the latter being less popular with BB and DD.  But I really wanted them to try their hand at painting some colorful Charley Harper birds and leaves on such a dreary (yet warm) winter's day.

BB wanted to paint all of the wooden birds and DD obliged by painting all of the wooden leaves.  The kit comes with a large poster that directs you to paint what birds certain colors.  BB had no interest in the directions and told me right away that he was going to choose the colors and patterns for each bird.  And so he did.  The finished product is beautiful and everything is now displayed on a colorful bird tray I just happened to have.  I'm thinking about leaving them on the tray and maybe displaying them with some of the real birds' nests BB has found on our walks.  Or maybe hang them as a mobile.  Or I could attach a ribbon to each and hang them on next year's Christmas tree.

If you haven't already bought out much of the Kid Made Modern line, what are you waiting for?  I find the art supplies to be a very good quality.  The acrylic paints that came with this kit were a nice quality, lots of little pots in varying tones.  The paint was thick and the colors vibrant.  The paint brushes were a good quality as well.  I saved the leftover paint for a future art session.


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