Learning Lessons

Yesterday was a hectic day for me - working from home while taking care of BB and DD for the whole day.  It was a critical and busy day at work that had me on the phone again and again and approving drafts.  In between, I was wiping noses, picking up messes, making gingerbread houses, and cooking lunch.  Several times they would interrupt me while I was on an important call and I could feel the anger and annoyance coming.

Last Friday, 20 first graders were shot dead in their classrooms.  BB is a first grader.  It happened shortly after each of their parents dropped them off and headed to their offices.  It happened while I was drinking coffee in between meetings and calls, their parents probably doing exactly the same.  Since learning about the killings Friday afternoon, I've felt a lot of different things but especially sorrow. 

This horrid thing didn't happen to me so I feel guilty about wallowing in the sorrow, pain, and sadness.  But I'm sad nonetheless.  There is talk about changes to gun ownership and treatment of mental health and lots and lots of debate that we can all participate in, causes we can give money to.  But I need something good and immediate that I can act on now.  We all need to hear it and learn it again and again - savor the time.  No matter how stressful your work, there is always time for another hug or kiss.  That's what I tried to do today as the three of us navigated our way through competing and conflicting tasks and desires.


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