Fall Weekend Movie Night + Hike

We finally had a beautiful fall weekend and in celebration, the boys invited a few friends over to enjoy the first Outdoor Movie Night of the season.  A new firepit and a handpicked video about Minecraft were the features.  It was a late bedtime but loads of fun.  As long as the weather holds out, we'll be hosting more in October.
On Sunday, the weather was even better.  We headed to Great Falls (Virginia side) to take a family hike and enjoy the cool air and sunshine.  Great Falls was packed and we parked in a lot that was further out than usual, which actually turned out great because we found a new trail that led to the Washington Aqueduct Dam.  We'd never been there before and it was fun to climb over the rocks and enjoy the cool water at our feet.

The light glows golden everyday and the days are getting shorter.  The front of our home is begging for pumpkins, gourds, and mums.  The kids have a half day of school soon, a good opportunity for us to enjoy the outdoors and head to the farm to pick some pumpkins.


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