Autumn's Midpoint

How is it almost November already?  I was listening to a podcast on my drive to work this morning and the topic was getting ready for the holidays.  I'm definitely not ready to think about that; have to make it to Halloween first.

Our new schedules have been keeping everyone on their toes.  We have activities and classes on most days plus stepped up homework.  But BB and DD have been adjusting well to increased demands of their time.  If you think about it, from here on they will have less and less free time; more and more work load and complexity.  So it's important to me that I teach them time management skills early.  I talk to them about topics such as procrastination and organization. 

But it's still important that we spend time together, outdoors exploring.  Our bodies are craving the sunshine, realizing soon that there will be less light to enjoy.  That time is a respite from the grind, the screens, and the pressure.  I'm talking about us grown ups too.


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