Summer List: Reading Goals

You'll notice that on our Summer list includes reaching our reading goals.  I got some questions about that recently.  What I mean by reading goals is BB's and DD's individual reading list for the Summer.  We created a loose list of books that is a combination of what they want to read and what we want them to read.  I know some parents fall into the camp of letting kids read whatever they want.  I generally am of that view as well, however, there is so much good writing available to kids right now that I feel like I have to put things on their list and see if they fall in love.  So far so good -  most of the books I've purchased for them have been met with enthusiasm with a couple of duds thrown in there.

While at the book store the other day, we were struggling to find something good for BB to read. He then asked us to find him Book 2 in a series he started called Gregor the Overlander, part of The Underland Chronicles.  The author is Suzanne Collins of The Hunger Games.  I didn't even know he had read the first book (checked out from the school library months ago)!  So we were more than pleased to get the entire series for him.

For DD, he found a book called Danger is Everywhere: A Handbook for Avoiding Danger by David O'Doherty.  He's fond of this type of book, and he finished it in a day because he wanted to become a certified dangerologist.  There are several other books in this series so we've ordered those for DD (the actual book rather than for the Kindle because there is an application at the end that he likes to fill out).

So how are we doing with the new Kindles?  Great!  It's cut out the majority of our book buying (save for a few titles).  And it's easy to bring with us to appointments and swim practice when one of the boys is waiting for the other.


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