Spring is a Time of Transition

The May weather has been strange.  Actually, the April weather wasn't its normal self either.  These days no one is taking the great sun for granted.  We soaked up as much light and warmth as we could over the weekend.  In fact, shortly after the last photo, a huge rainstorm hit.

This is the time of year when we're in birthday celebrating mode.  In between the birthday parties, there is Memorial Day, travel plans, and family visits sprinkled throughout.  Plus school is drawing to a close with lots of field trips, concerts, testing; and Summer camp details are all due.  It's one of my busiest times of the year.  And then it all ends suddenly; schedules change abruptly and we must all adjust to a new normal.  None of this is new to me at this point but it always requires adjustment from each of us. And this is what makes the unseasonably cold and rainy weather so unpleasant.  The golden light and longer days is the one thing that helps with the busyness and transition during this time of year.


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