Exploring the Neighborhood

This four day Thanksgiving break was just the right amount of activity and relaxation.  I won't lie - the days leading up to Thanksgiving dinner had me stressed.  Work was busy and as a consequence, I had little time for menu planning.  Since we were hosting this year, we didn't have time for our usual family hike/outing.  But on Friday, while everyone else was shopping, we walked down to the canal tow path.

It was a pretty good hike, steep at times.  The boys were excited to see water, and then when they realized the water was actually ice, they were thrilled.  The rest of the time was spent throwing rocks, sticks, and actual tree trunks into the canal to see if they could break the top layer of ice.

The proximity to the canal and river is just another fun thing about living where we do now.  Our plan is to return on weekends and walk down farther and farther each time.


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