More Spray Fountains

There were a couple of beautiful summer days but the Solstice came and with it came the humidity of a D.C. summer.  To get outside and stay cool at the same time, we've been visiting all of the spray fountains that have popped up in the city in the last year.  We returned to the incredible wading pool and fountain at Yards Park over the weekend.  As a mom, I want BB and DD to have fun, but I also want to make sure that I won't have a hard time keeping an eye on both of them on my own.  Yards Park is a pretty good layout for that with a sheltered seating area with unobstructed views of the entire pool.  The fountains are up the stairs in a different location so they can only go if they want to go together.  We'll definitely be hanging out here for the rest of summer.

Yesterday was the first day of camp so after two blissful weeks off from a rigid schedule, we're back to it again.  Making breakfast and packing lunches, bathing suits, sunscreen and getting out of the house by a certain time every morning - very un-lazy-summer-like.  Every time we get to the end of the school year, I envy those mothers that have the entire summer to spend with their kids.  A couple of weeks of camp, days at the pool, simple picnic dinners, long weekends at the beach or lake, impromptu trips to museums and farms.  Doesn't that sound nice?


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