Spring and Change at Locust Grove

Even though we had a (non)snow day on Wednesday, Saturday was a sunny, warm day.  After karate, lunch, and a few errands, we took the boys back to Locust Grove Nature Center.  This was only our third visit ever so everything was still fresh and new to the boys.  I've not had much luck with the trails at Locust Grove but maybe it's because the boys were so young at the time.  BB and DD have so much fun at the gardens surrounding the Nature Center that we never seem to make it anywhere else during our visits.

I think we've seen the last of Winter.  I'm not saying every day will be as mild as the weekend was, but I can safely give away a few of my heavy coats now.  And with the changing seasons, I'm looking for a change too.

P.S. You'll see that BB and DD are wearing baggy red pants in a lot of our weekend photos.  These are part of their karate uniform and they often refuse to change out of them after class.


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