Big Picture

I have been so mired in the details of the day that I looked up suddenly only to realize March is half over.  When things are busy, I do take things a day, maybe even a task, at a time.  But it's also important to look up every once in awhile and take a breath; assess the big picture and reflect on the previous year, the previous five years, the previous decade.

Things have been good for us for the most part.  The move to my current position has afforded me much of the flexibility I was missing before.  That is not to say that everything is always easy - we still have tough days and weeks when all of our events and meetings seem to collide.  But there is room to breathe, and room to make plans and exceptions.  For this I'm truly happy.  I write this during a week that includes the boys' dentist appointments, 2 school meetings, a school board meeting, BB's science fair, DD's first field trip, and a half-day on Friday to kick off Spring Break.


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