What We're Reading

There are books that stay on our favorites list for months, sometimes years.  The boys never grow tired of the author's choice and combination of words.  They always want to pore over the illustrations, point things out, laugh out loud at the most anticipated pages.  To keep things fresh, I add constantly to their little library and introduce new books for the season or for no specific reason at all.  Here is a random sampling of some of the new books we've added as of late:

  1. The Little Island by Margaret Wise Brown won the Caldecott Medal in 1947.  It's a children's classic and the boys, especially BB, enjoys it very much.  This is one adults can enjoy while reading.
  2. Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk.  I stumbled across this book in the book store and new immediately that BB and DD would enjoy reading about a little mouse who lives in a library.  I love the message of the book - encouraging young ones to write and create books.  We do this already so the boys like to hear it being reinforced in this lovely book.  There are actually 3 more books featuring Sam the mouse that we'll need to get as well.
  3. Dog Loves Drawing by Louise Yates is a fun story and picture book along the lines of Harold and the Purple Crayon - you draw and create your own reality.
  4. Lemonade in Winter by Emily Jenkins is a great read for the entrepreneurial kid in Winter time. 
  5. Petunia and Petunia Beware by Roger Duvoisin are both books the boys like for me to read repeatedly. 


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