Bonus Monday

I have always worked on Columbus Day.  So having the day off today felt like such a bonus. It also happened to be C's birthday so it was extra special.  In the morning, we went the National Gallery of Art to see the Giuseppe Arcimboldo exhibit.  I brought BB's Arcimboldo book and told him what we were going to do.  I was so pleased with his reaction to the exhibit - he was excited to see all of the paintings and he knew so much about each one.  He proudly carried his book like a proper student and opened it up to look for the matching picture in front of each painting. We had lunch at the cafe - my favorite.  After some shopping in the gift store the boys went home for a nap. In the afternoon we went to a "Gingko Leaf Park" for a nature walk and some playground time.  Then it was off to get some toys and art supplies we had promised the boys and then off to C's birthday dinner (we celebrated, just the two of us, with date night on Saturday).  We had a great drive home in the fading light looking for landmarks, Halloween decorations and the moon.

How lovely to have a bonus Monday.

P.S. That photo of the boys swimming was from Saturday morning but I couldn't resist including it because it's rare the boys are swimming near one another in the big pool.


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