Fall is Coming

The end of the week was filled with powerful, angry thunderstorms that FINALLY cooled the weather down.  C and I had several date nights this past week and over the weekend.  One night we ate outside and it was light sweater weather.  There is still a heavy humidity in the air and today it's shooting back up to the mid-90s but I know fall is coming.

The days are getting shorter, the stores are stocked with back to school items and Halloween costumes(!), and I'm getting that feeling in the pit of my stomach.  I used to love the fall as a child.  Even though it meant the end of my carefree summer, I wanted to see my friends and get back to the routine of school.  Back to school shopping was an added bonus - sharp pencils, a new pencil box, a new box of crayons, pointy scissors for the first time, lined paper.  Not to mention all of the awesome fall clothes waiting to be paired as outfits and worn to the bus stop. 

But ever since my first pregnancy, I've come to associate fall with nausea.  For both pregnancies I was super nauseated for the first trimester which meant September, October through November and into mid-December.  It was almost debilitating and it was always too early to tell anyone about my "condition."  So now whenever the rainy September air hits, I start getting that queasy feeling again.

After we get back from the beach, there will be one more week before school starts for the boys.  It will be DD's first time and I've been worrying about the transition for months now.  BB will be fine as he is already telling me he misses his school friends.  I, for the first time in 4 long years, will have a few hours in the house alone on Friday mornings.  For years we had a live-in nanny so I was never alone and always felt I needed to leave the house.  By the time BB was in school, DD had already arrived so I either had one or both of them home with me.  But now that I work from home on Fridays and with both boys in school, I will have the whole house to myself.  I'm envisioning a big cup of coffee, some newspaper reading and then to work!  Oh, and maybe some laundry between emails and conference calls.


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