Summer is Underway

Summer at the C+C household is fully underway.  This weekend we bid a temporary farewell to NN/YY who will be back in a month's time to stay with us 2 more weeks in August.  They've been a big help and C and I have loved having extra hands around the house.

Over the weekend we went swimming, BB had a playdate on a farm (no pics thanks to C), DD got his first professional haircut, the boys played at GG/PP's house, and we visited the zoo on the only cool weather day (80s) in a long time.

Around the house, more projects continued.  We're starting to plan out our roofdeck redo -- watch for future posts on this.  It's going to be an expensive project but well worth it to us.  There is a pesky tree overhanging our back deck.  The tree is sheds stinky berries (a male gingko?).  While not on our property, we get all of the detritus and the danger.  The large branches overhang our house and the addition portion of our kitchen.  It also hangs over wires right over our back deck.  C has cut down many of the branches but we've got one more major one to worry about.

In the dark of night, I planted some more herbs - curled parsley, garlic chives and basil.  I found all at Trader Joe's for a ridiculously low price.  My little herb garden is doing nicely so far. 

This coming weekend is my brother's wedding.  We'll be headed to New York as a family as the boys are in the wedding.  I promise to have ridiculously adorable pictures to come!


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