Happy 2018!

Happy New Year!  So much to catch up on.  C and the boys returned from a week of skiing in Colorado several days ago just in time to ring in 2018.  We had a lazy day at home, some parties to attend, and finally our annual New Year's Day hike.  It was bitterly cold (only to get colder) but we bundled up and headed out.

The return of school, work, and our normal schedules was weighing heavily on all of us.  But then came a Bomb Cyclone Wednesday that left us snow but more importantly frigid cold temperatures.  It also meant no school on Thursday and delayed opening today.  So although it's the first week back from winter break, it's been more of a dip of the toe than a polar plunge.
I took advantage of the snow day to take down ALL of our Christmas decor.  Save for the holiday cards, all is packed up.  The winter decor is up (candles, twinkle lights, and other items) and the house looks refreshed.  January has become a really active month for us - school holidays and professional days means lots of trips away for skiing and the beach.  We've got three trips planned for the upcoming weeks and it's hard not to get excited.  We're all hoping for at least one nice snow event to hit us here in D.C. too.


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