Remember When I Said...

...we weren't that in to Halloween this year?  Nevermind.  Something happened this Halloweekend to make us all in the mood for tonight.  The weather was decidedly un-fall-like but no matter.  The warm days gave us another reason to host outdoor movie night.  BB and DD invited a few friends and we had ourselves a full on party.  The kids all had a great time watching Ghostbusters 2.  

We ended up decorating the front of our house with spooky spiderwebs and we're setting up a projector to show flying witches.  Trick-or-treaters will ring the doorbell and be treated to the sound of ghosts swirling.  And then we have an extra scary decoration that I'll try and take a photo of tonight.  It may have taken us a while to get into the spirit but we're all in!


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