Summer Spent Outdoors

For their third camp this Summer, BB and DD are at an outdoor camp 30 minutes away from our home.  Every morning the bus picks them up in our driveway, and every evening they return home on that same bus.  While there, BB and DD swim in the pool, canoe and kayak in the lake, practice archery, play soccer, build shelters, and rock climb.  All of this outdoors, all day, in the heat, sun, and rain.  It's a challenge to them, I know.  It requires changing and taking care of your own gear, mosquito bites, and tick checks nightly.  

We went to visit them on Parents Day recently to observe them as campers, and it was great to seem them participating and enjoying themselves.

Tonight we're picking BB up from a late night at camp.  Their group stayed late tonight to enjoy more activities together, have a cookout, and maybe an evening swim.  Can't wait to hear all about it.


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