Headed to Asia

Believe it or not, our little family is headed to Asia this Spring.  The stars aligned to make this trip happen so we're doing it.  I've never been in the Spring, always only in the Summer when it is hot sticky, so hot and sticky in fact that it becomes an issue as to where you go and what you see that day because you can only stand so much.  It will be warmer than DC but not yet hot.  Sounds lovely.

Visiting Asia is partially propelled by the boys' lack of knowledge of their Chinese heritage.  Both BB and DD spoke fluent Chinese up until preschool started for each of them and then slowly, slowly they lost it. Almost all of it.  I want to expose them to language and culture and now is the time to strike. Too much older and they might not be able to adapt.  Plus anytime we have to spend uninterrupted time as a family is precious to me.

Alright who am I kidding?  I also want to go for myself.  The thought of the food, shopping, sights, family, and the general energy of the city has me excited.  As things are often the case with us, we haven't really even started planning or packing but we will start in earnest soon.


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