Happy Chinese New Year + Keeping Cozy

A polar vortex has arrived and chilling everyone to the bone here in DC.  We drove to GongGong and PoPo's house in a snow squall the other night for Chinese New Year dinner.  What has happened to February?  Again, I don't like cold but I will take it if accompanied by snow.  Cold alone is not what I do.

We've been spending more time indoors in the face of the cold winds.  Thirty minutes outside is around what the boys can take.  Then we all warm up together on snow days, on weeknights and all day on weekends by playing games together and letting the boys Minecraft.  Luckily, the cold is coupled with sunny days so the light indoors through all the glass in so so lovely.  The sunsets are achingly beautiful.
And finally...the snow came.  It started during session 2 of ice skating class.  It took us over an hour to drive home and we saw many cars stuck on the smallest of hills.  The boys are outside playing now and I'm about to join them.


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