Slow, Steady Progress

It has been a LONG weekend.  We had a four-day weekend that got extended by a snow day on Wednesday.  This mama loves to be home with BB and DD but I need to be in the office tomorrow so I'm really hoping for school that is open and on time Thursday.  Lest you think we've been lazing around the house watching the beautiful snow come down, I had to show you some pics.  Okay, you are right that these photos show DD lazing around the house.  But it also shows that C and I started setting up our den/office these last few days.  A new desk and rug have made there way into that heretofore unused room.  I was in my new office working much of the day and whenever one of the boys wanted to show me something, they couldn't find me.  It was kind of funny.  Towards the end of the day, DD decided to work along side me.  All the iPads were either taken or charging, so he had to use the laptop to do his Skylanders research.

Positive: the house is shaping up so nicely and we love setting up all the rooms just the way we like it.

Negative: it's cold in a glass house.

Update: Schools are delayed two hours tomorrow morning, so it's PoPo to the rescue!


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