After the Storm

Sandy has come and gone. D.C. was pretty lucky in that we did not get the brunt of it and the derecho we all suffered over the summer seemed to have been much much worse. The derecho was fresh on my mind so the days leading up to the storm had me feeling anxious. We bought some bottled water and a whole bunch of junk food (on top of the Halloween candy we already had) and hunkered down Sunday nigh to ride it out. Schools and offices were closed for the next two days. The museums, theaters, and most of the shops were closed as well so there wasn't much to do but stay indoors with the boys. As you can imagine there was a lot of pent up energy but we made a lot of art, read books, did projects, played games, watched movies, and ate. More to come on this. In the meantime, I'll share a photo of the sleeping arrangements Monday night. Afraid that the big, old trees around our house would fall, we moved the boys from the their top floor bedroom back into their old nursery. It was sweet having them nearby. And they were psyched to have a "slumber party."


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