What's Happening in July

Why can't summer slow down?  I don't even particularly like summer because of the heat and humidity and mosquitoes but I do love the vibe.  Somehow though every one of our weekends is spoken for and on top of that, work has been busy too.  Then I looked up and we're past the mid-point of July.  We are past the mid-point of SUMMER!!!

So what have we been doing?  Well we entertained quite a bit.  The boys started and finished their first summer camp already.  It was a good time and they are always sad to move on to their next camp.  Of course they pretty much direct their summer camp schedules the year before so I remind them of this every year.  We're several days into camp #2 
We had an extreme heat wave during the first part of July (most of the U.S. did) but we braved the weather for a Nats v. Red Sox game with fireworks at the end.  The boys also set of their own large box of whip its and sparklers.
Another fixture of summer for us is swim team.  That's been an everyday and every weekend event for us, which all ends with Divisionals this weekend.  BB made it again (DD was so close) so we are very proud but also relieved that it's coming to an end.
When the weather isn't too hot, we chill at home after swim meets and I'm hoping to use our screened porch more.  This year C installed a TV and Roku in there!  We also have been going for fun family outings to nearby beaches and parks.  In between, C and I have a lot of date nights planned this summer and into the fall.

I can't believe we're in the second half of summer already.  Only one more summer camp plus some time at GongGong and PoPo camp - a relatively new thing around here!


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