The Usual + A First

We took full advantage of Saturday's weather and went for a hike.  Earlier in the day I went to brunch with some girlfriends and C took the boys out for to the diner for a boys' breakfast out.  Afterwards, we all met up again to go for our weekly outing.

You can't tell from these photos but everyone did the same thing - families, dogs, cyclists, hikers, strollers, and kayakers were all around.  That's the great thing about the outdoors - it's hard to feel crowded.  The river is pretty dry and so there were lots of exposed rock formations in the water that we could climb.
My brother was in town as well so we had a nice family dinner that included Gong Gong.  The only person missing was DD.  He had his own plans that night - his first ever sleepover party.  He's been invited in the past but never wanted to do it until now.  I dropped him off and didn't see him again until Sunday morning.  He stayed up all night!  Everyone else either slept or at least caught a cat nap but not DD.  He was feeling fine but then we found him like this after about 10 minutes.  He voluntarily skipped watching the new Power Rangers movie and opted to stay home with me instead, he was so tired.


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