Hot Pools and Snorkeling

Another day, another hot pool.  This one had a man made wall and a parking lot - much much easier to get to and therefore popular with the locals.  That's life on the Big Island.  I loved hanging out among the locals. While the kids were swimming and snorkeling (DD for the first time!), we saw a large extended family roll up with bags and coolers of food.  They set up a tent and fired up the most delicious smelling food ever.

While DD got used to his new snorkeling equipment, BB snorkeled with a long stick in hand.  I finally asked him what he was doing and he said he was spear fishing!  The other day we had run into a father and son who were going spear fishing in the ocean so BB was practicing.  It was too cute.

I was looking through this blog and came upon this post about travel.  In that post, I expressed regret about our lifestyle - that we weren't able to take any vacations longer than a week at a time.  This was three years ago and the boys were at an age where longer trips and farther destinations were possible. Since that time, we've really stepped up our travel and taken two two-week vacations thus far.  Progress towards my goal.  I'm so pleased.


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