Vacation Withdrawals

I get them every time we return from a great vacation - withdrawals.  Spring vacations are the worst because usually when we leave, it's still chilly in D.C. (we had snow right before we left for Hawaii). Going from the hopeful end of a long Winter to the most fantastic weather is wonderful.  Doing the reverse is just cruel.  The morning we landed it was 26 degrees.  We had to blast the heater when we got home as none of could get warm enough, and this went on for days.  It's so disorienting to have to dig out the coats and sweaters after spending two and a half weeks in balmy paradise.

This past weekend, temperatures finally started climbing in D.C. and it felt like Spring for real to the four of us who feel like we've already had a dreamy Summer.  I was missing our time in Hawaii. Hard.  So we did what we could - we had lunch at the Hula Girl Grill.  We celebrated with Spam, Hawaiian Sun drinks, and kalua pork.  We chatted with some of the employees and guests about Hawaii, and then we stocked up on Hawaiian Sun drinks (at World Market!) before heading home.

I'm not trying to suggest that things are doom and gloom back home.  Actually, everything is a lovely shade of lime green, white and pink in our yard.  We had brunch with neighbors and watched Zootopia and had late bedtimes.  A mama cardinal built this nest right outside our window, and BB and DD started golf lessons.  Spring is here!


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