Summer Travel

Summer is the traditional time for travel for most families.  In the years since having BB and DD, we've traveled less, and to less exotic locations, than we used to when we were just a couple.  I know there are plenty of families with small children who still maintain the same travel schedule, but I don't feel the desire to do it.  My number one goal is to visit places where we can all have fun in a relaxed way.

So while I am perfectly pleased with the quality of our travel choices, I'm not so fine with the quantity.  I just don't (and won't as long as I stay in the legal profession) the flexibility to take two week vacations let alone month long ones.  With the boys' school schedule, we are limited to their winter and spring breaks and the occasional long weekend, times when every other young family is traveling.  I've been increasingly envious of families who have flexible schedules who can get away to the beach or some other place for a month or to take their children out of camp for weeks at a time to travel.  And my guilt and dissatisfaction has multiplied this Summer because every minute of non-sleeping, non-working time has been spent on looking for and purchasing our new home, and now selling our current home.  It's no Summer at all.  So I'm so grateful for the few playdates we've made with friends to meet at a pool or have some other outing to try and enjoy this time of year.  We are still planning a trip but it's just one more week long vacation and that's probably it for the season.

I'm not looking for pity, but maybe some relief from the guilt that I'm feeling right now.


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