The First Weekend

Let me back up a little bit and tell you how the first weekend back home from Taipei went.  We were all happy to be home after a very long flight, but I was already sad to have left Taipei and knew that I would be sad for a good long time.  It's my Taipei hangover.  At least the weather was nice.  Rather than fight the crowds downtown, we drove across the street see the cherry blossoms near us.  There were so many people walking around a suburban neighborhood, it was strange.  Our jetlagged family needed to soak in as much sun as possible.  The kids bought lemonade from the neighborhood lemonade stands.  In our own yard, we have a Yoshino cherry tree and a pink magnolia tree, both in full bloom.

The weather was too nice to go back inside so we hiked to the River and let the boys run around. Sun, water, rocks, trees.  At home we dyed Easter eggs, my way of keeping the boys awake when all they wanted to do was sleep.
While we were still in Taipei, we heard our friends were in town for the cherry blossoms so Sunday morning we met in Georgetown for brunch.  It was a great weekend and I was reminded that life is good here too!


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